

  Into the darkness of emptiness, Life was spoken. Was it the thunder of Moses's Sinai, The quake, the fire, the lightning? “Let there be Light!” Into the chaos of nothingness, Order was ordered. Was it the whisper of Elijah's Horeb, The gale, the ship wreck, the storm? “Let there be Peace!” Into the wretchedness of sin, A Son was given. A  lotus so fragrant, pure and spotless. Chose a stable, a manger, the smells! Yet, “Let there be Joy!” Into the hiddenness of fig leaves, A Robe was offered. The Lamb was battered, abused, then slain. The cross, gross darkness, eternal separation? No, “Let there be Salvation!” Into the shell of twenty one Time is added. Quiet emptiness of yesteryear… then dawn! Blackness, then purple, crimson, then gold. “Let there be Day!” Into the goblet of pure newness, Thanks is poured. The pain, the shock, the ordinariness, To songs, to prayers, to walking with God. “Let there be Praise!” Yeanoku

Love and Live!

  Love and Live!   The one and only God, I AM. Ahead of Me there’s no other I AM your life and love, none else.   Life and love are they visible? So sculpt nor paint images of Me. Much less what I have created.   Worship or serve no other gods. Like a jealous lover, I love. Grace and Life to those who love Me.   My name please take to glorify. Misuse dishonors sanctity. Abusers will be found guilty.   Forget not! Day seven’s holy. Creator, Redeemer I AM. Memorial of what I’ve done.   Embedded in all creation. Seven circle’s my signature. Celebrate love and life with Me.   In parents you see Me faintly. Cherish and honor them always. Long life and love will follow thee.   Kill not a body or spirit. Repute is e’en greater than life Take not what you cannot replace.   True love doth honor another. Grab not another’s purity; If only in your thought and heart.   Possessions of others take not. Though they may never miss them. Honest work gives sleep and shalom.   Embrace truth; it never cha

Walk with ME… Isaiah 1:18

 Isaiah is given a message to deliver to the children of Judah. Imagine having to approach your own family, to deliver this message. (Remember the kind of respect given to Jesus in Nazareth?) These were Isaiah’s kin. They had seen him from his very infancy. Isaiah knew well the pride and uniqueness of the family of king David; his own family. The message was not one of sweetness and praise. The message was truth, simple truth, cutting truth.     The chosen children had wandered far away. Their special purpose was corrupted. Covenant terms were flaunted and forgotten. The holy name, Jerusalem, was equal to the shame of Sodom. Mount Zion was as low as Gomorrah. In fact The prophet is instructed to call them Sodom and Gomorrah. Would I have the guts to call my own family “Sodom” or “Gomorrah”, straight to their faces?     Even now, can you see the look of disappointment in our LORD’s face? Can you see Jesus on the brow of the last hill before Zion? Even the colt He was riding on could fee

God is Love

                                                        God loves you.     God loves the world.         Have you tasted God’s love?             Can you out-love God?                 What is first, God’s love or yours?                      Are you a witness to God’s love?                                                                                We say the love  OF  God, as though God’s love is beside Him, with Him, or something He owns.  That is all well and true. More than that, God   IS   LOVE!   In this imperfect world of sin, sickness, sorrow, and shame it is not always easy to wrap one’s mind around the truth that God IS love. He cannot be otherwise!                   It is much easier to comprehend that God is a consuming fire, (Deut. 4:24; Ex. 24:17;  Heb. 12:29) than that God IS love. When we see the forest fires of California we can understand what fire is, and what fire can do. But ask Moses about this consuming fire, he will tell you that this consuming fire is as strong

Awesome Wonder!

  Your plans are precise, Your thoughts so perfect. Your words are polished. In awe they leave us.   Each sunrise we see Shows forth thy patience. So gently unveiling Noon’s brilliant glory.   Like gentle showers Drop mercy and grace. Forgiveness and Love Heals and reconciles.   The lightning so fierce Bores fear down our spine. Yet bounties they bring Reviving the soil.   Thy judgement is fair All knees bow in awe. Acknowledge You’re just No error You make!   Your truths are so vast Yet precious as gold. Like gold in deep mines Dig deep and find more.   Your leading dear Lord Gentle as Shepherd; Yet fierce protector From all who are foes.     Yeanoku October 07, 2021.

We are One!

History is on file Penned by the victor’s quill. Dig deeper, find you will The vanquished was richer, Welcoming, generous.   Coveting what they had. With craft and cruelty Ruthless and selfishly Friends, traders turn rulers. Their conquests glorified.   Resisters vilified, Robbed, plundered left with naught. Bankrupt and subhuman Their glory crushed, destroyed. Strangers, slaves in own home.   Manifest Destiny, Colonize, civilize, Sprinkle missionaries. Evil mixed with some good Is always what we give.   Babylon took Judah YHWH willed it to be. Yet discipline dished out Was more than God allowed: Jeremiah fifty says.   It is high time to see Tit for tat will not do. Admit, forgive, move on. Vacate vicious cycle. Progress to love and life.   Vanquished: don’t ape victor. Victor: past wrongs admit. Vicious vengeful cycle Truth surely can destroy. Mandela-Tutu did!   In marital unions Pedigree and status Cause conflicts and divorce. Successful ones are those Who look above, beyond!   Hear

A Dialogue with the Divine

  Oh! LORD, our Creator, Sustainer, and Friend.  In a garden so beautiful and serene  You sheltered us.  With Your warm Chased You clothed us.  Anything we desired, You gave us.  Truth was all we had heard till then.  Yet, to lies we chose to listen. And lies we chose to believe!  This shattered the trust-bond between us. You could trust us with the garden no more. Dominion and power that you gave us Lord,  we gave away for a cheap fruit.                   My children dear, your choice I always honor.  In mercy I  exiled you.  Wish by wooing to win your loyalty.  I never  disowned you.  I promise to redeem you.   LORD, my punishment is greater than I can bear.  Your face is hidden from view.  A fugitive I will be.  I fear for my life and safety. My own kin abuse me.            I, The LORD will place My mark on you.  I will protect  You.  Return to Me wandering one, return to Me.  Walk  with Me like Enoch and Noah.  Walk before Me as did  Abraham and Moses.     Dear Lord, the way is lon