We are One!

History is on file

Penned by the victor’s quill.

Dig deeper, find you will

The vanquished was richer,

Welcoming, generous.


Coveting what they had.

With craft and cruelty

Ruthless and selfishly

Friends, traders turn rulers.

Their conquests glorified.


Resisters vilified,

Robbed, plundered left with naught.

Bankrupt and subhuman

Their glory crushed, destroyed.

Strangers, slaves in own home.


Manifest Destiny,

Colonize, civilize,

Sprinkle missionaries.

Evil mixed with some good

Is always what we give.


Babylon took Judah

YHWH willed it to be.

Yet discipline dished out

Was more than God allowed:

Jeremiah fifty says.


It is high time to see

Tit for tat will not do.

Admit, forgive, move on.

Vacate vicious cycle.

Progress to love and life.


Vanquished: don’t ape victor.

Victor: past wrongs admit.

Vicious vengeful cycle

Truth surely can destroy.

Mandela-Tutu did!


In marital unions

Pedigree and status

Cause conflicts and divorce.

Successful ones are those

Who look above, beyond!


Hear the song “Imagine” *?

Much truth the song contains.

Add Jesus and His love,

In life, on Calvary.

Restores our true ID.


One Father! He made thee

Brothers, sisters to be.

His image-stamp you see,

Is the measure to see-

How similar are we!



       Yeanoku     Sept. 18, 2021 


  1. Unless we see beyond the skin,
    We'll never love as Jesus loves.
    Until I can hate enmities,
    I cannot be a child of God.
    Yellow or brown or black or white,
    We all are brothers and sisters.
    May God help us understand
    That TRUTH is what JESUS is!

  2. The us and them, the us vs them must be erased from our minds.
    ~ Peter Nigel B.

  3. Yes, Proverbs 10:12: Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs. 1 John 4:8: Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:12: No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
    We are created to Love God, and His Creation...


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