
Showing posts from August, 2021

Le Tour de Babel

Le Tour de Babel   A wise man says, In days of yore men were held hostage to nature’s whims.   Men depended on the rains and lightning bolts (God sent).  Irrigation and nitrogen fixing. Rotation of crops, plough under the harvested plants.  Seven-year cycle. The Sabbath year: rest, rejuvenation, return to full vigor.  That’s God's design. “Follow me. I will send rain in due season.”    Not so today, we proudly proclaim. Our chemists and scientists are mighty.  We create seeds immune to disease and severe climes!   Chemicals, compounded in exacting proportions, can bypass cycles or rest.   Can intent be defaulted?  Famines have been held back, not altogether banished. Feed the multitudes.  Selfishness remains; waste on one hand, hunger on the other.   Vive la liberte’!  Free from nature's ‘shackles’? Freedom from God?    Smacks of Shinar’s ziggurat. The tower is toppling!  The very life-giving springs are spewing poison. Oceans and seas collect and store poisons. Ask my friend,

Misrepresentation of God in Job

  Misrepresentation of God in Job:   1.      God is an enemy. 2.      God does not care. 3.      God’s actions have no rhyme or reason. 4.      God is not fair, or just? 5.      God created evil???? 6.      God is NOT as smart as man. Knowledge…Wisdom. 7.      God is distant, an absentee landlord.   Being touched by Satan and assuming it is God!   Do I continue to see God as an enemy?   Do I see his might (whirlwind, etc) as an intimidating force?  Yes!!! But is that Force for me or against me?   Knowledge & Wisdom; comes from close contact with God.  Could it be that previous generations were privy to this as well?   God cares.  Ask the animals, birds, the earth itself, and the sea creatures too!   Is it possible that I am an enemy, because I am camped with the enemy of God?  Have you not heard of the Stockholm Syndrome... the kidnapped turns favorably to the captor?   I heard God is LOVE.  “Olam chesed yibaneh”, Psalm 89:2 in Hebrew.  It means, “The world is built on LOVE”.  This