
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Lotus Fair

A long, long time ago there was a beautiful pond. The water was clear like crystal. The rocks in the pond shone like jewels. The swimming fish had beautiful colors, like the rainbow. They were kind. They were happy. They were peaceful. They jumped out of the water to say, “Hello!” to you. Everything was clean and good. Then one day something bad happened. Leaves from trees fell into the pond. Plants in the pond rotted and died. The water became muddy and yucky. Fish became scared. They would swim away and hide. In this muddy, yucky pond grew a lotus. The lotus sent long, thin stems from the mud. On the end of each thin stem was a leaf. The leaf opened like a big plate. The leaf was called a pad. It floated on the pond. It was shiny. It was polished. Mister Frog loved to sit on the pad. When he dived off the pad there were no muddy feet marks! Mud and yuck did not stick to the pad. One day, a thick stem grew up, and up, and up. On the end was a bud. The sunlight kissed the bud. The bu

Mother Dear

  Mother Dear   Dear mother you carried me When no one else could. Asymmetry though you be; Proudly you carried.   The smell of food was foreign, Your food I ejected. Nothing was comfortable But, put up you did.   Nine months discomfort and pain, Still cared for my dad. Through such pain no man has known With joy you birthed me.   Counted ten toes and fingers Perfection assured. With love and tender caring You kissed and caressed.   Sleepless nights just not ending, Worried prayers ascend. I trip and fall skinning knees Your heart’s in your mouth.   Painful are partings, goodbyes Love can’t eat or sleep. Such joy visits, phone calls bring Love starved soul revives.   Mother love is God’s love seen. True it’s true how true! It’s hard to say, “goodbye mom” Don’t ever want to.   I love you Amma. No one else is Amma!   Yeanoku  5/10/2021.