
Showing posts from November, 2021

Love and Live!

  Love and Live!   The one and only God, I AM. Ahead of Me there’s no other I AM your life and love, none else.   Life and love are they visible? So sculpt nor paint images of Me. Much less what I have created.   Worship or serve no other gods. Like a jealous lover, I love. Grace and Life to those who love Me.   My name please take to glorify. Misuse dishonors sanctity. Abusers will be found guilty.   Forget not! Day seven’s holy. Creator, Redeemer I AM. Memorial of what I’ve done.   Embedded in all creation. Seven circle’s my signature. Celebrate love and life with Me.   In parents you see Me faintly. Cherish and honor them always. Long life and love will follow thee.   Kill not a body or spirit. Repute is e’en greater than life Take not what you cannot replace.   True love doth honor another. Grab not another’s purity; If only in your thought and heart.   Possessions of others take not. Though they may never miss them. Honest work gives sleep and shalom.   Embrace truth; it never cha

Walk with ME… Isaiah 1:18

 Isaiah is given a message to deliver to the children of Judah. Imagine having to approach your own family, to deliver this message. (Remember the kind of respect given to Jesus in Nazareth?) These were Isaiah’s kin. They had seen him from his very infancy. Isaiah knew well the pride and uniqueness of the family of king David; his own family. The message was not one of sweetness and praise. The message was truth, simple truth, cutting truth.     The chosen children had wandered far away. Their special purpose was corrupted. Covenant terms were flaunted and forgotten. The holy name, Jerusalem, was equal to the shame of Sodom. Mount Zion was as low as Gomorrah. In fact The prophet is instructed to call them Sodom and Gomorrah. Would I have the guts to call my own family “Sodom” or “Gomorrah”, straight to their faces?     Even now, can you see the look of disappointment in our LORD’s face? Can you see Jesus on the brow of the last hill before Zion? Even the colt He was riding on could fee